
dressing up the down

"Oh honey, you look so hot in sweatpants."
This is a phrase many of us never thought we would ever hear. Like ever. Let alone believe! But daaaaaaayum do I feel fine in these Joshua Perets tight sweats. The key to looking and feeling hawt in sweatpants is all in the way you put your outfit together. I know, I say this often, but shoes are a girls best friend, and if we've learned ANYTHING at all from Sex & the City, it's that I like to pretend I'm Samantha on the weekends shoes are everything and will dictate an outfit. 
So. First line of business, put on said sweats. Second, find some strappy sandals. They will balance out the casual. Third, pop on a dress shirt (again, ups the business casual aspect). And last, accessorize with class (watch and timeless jewelry). 
I look like I'm meeting with Donald Trump to discuss immigration Barack and Michelle for tea (and no one knows if I'm wearing my fancy panties or my granny panties). Michelle will probably ask.

pants: c/o Joshua Perets
shirt: H&M
shoes: Lulu's (old) - find similar here

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