
polarized specs

"I only got 10 likes in the last half hour, do you think I should take it down?"
Story of our lives, glued to Instagram or Facebook. But that's life, now! We are all addicted to social media. And our jobs now require us to work from computers and laptops for, like, 8 hours a day (that's a third of your day!!!). When you calculate how much time you spend looking at a screen vs another human being, it's cray. Bet you don't even remember how ugly your brother is.
(Not so) fun fact: 150 times. That's the average number of times you'll ogle your instafeed and sext text your bf in a day.
It's time to improve the quality of time we spend in a virtual universe. It's time for, drum roll please...
These awesometacular specs are made specifically to protect your peepers from the artificial light and blue glare of your computer/phone. The polarized lenses act as a filter and transform the blue light into natural light...helping in the elimination of migraines and eye strains that you are most probably experiencing, you instah*e. Did I mention they look amazing? So trendy, you gotta get a few pairs. They're non-prescription glasses, for all you faux-hipsters out there. Go ahead, I dare you to treat your baby blues.
Here's a little help. Use coupon code "Coconut" (valid for 10 days on all online catalogue items except for the sales category) at check-out and receive a 30% discount!

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