

Remember the 80's and early 90's when shortalls were all the rage? And then in the 2000's you looked at old pictures and were like "uuhhh wouldn't be caught DEAD in those again"? Well jokes on you honey bunny, because we are loving these babies again. Thrown into the same category as rompers, short overalls have been spotted on all ages, shapes and sizes. I even saw a preggo wearing one and let me say this: she looked absolutely adorable and not at all like she ate for two. So there it is! Proof that shortalls are as slimming as they are cute. Even if you're looking to lose a few or are maintaining your figure or trying to get some serious gains, shortalls are for you. The friendly kangaroo pouch is there to hide pringles and boiled chicken shakes whatever needs hiding and the straps can go over a tank, a sleeveless shirt, a t-shirt, a plaid shirt or blouse. Even a sweatshirt if you wanted!
Not ready to make the leap? Keep it monochrome like I did. White on white is less visible so you can ease into the trend.
But honestly, just make the leap. You'll be happy you did.

shirt: c/o Ardene (old) - find similar here
shortalls: c/o Ardene
shoes: Zara (old) - find similar here

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Thanks for showing me some love!