
printable frames

There is never a "light at the end of the tunnel" when it comes to home décor. There's always something more you want to add or change. And by the time you think you're done, you're now fed up of the first thing you changed therefore you want to change it all over again. Or maybe that's just me. I learned to now take my time, work on one room at a time, and create mood boards to see the full picture beforehand. I also like to shop for the best deals. Some call me cheap, I call it frugal :) In come the reason behind this post.
A couple of months back, Amelia had graduated from a crib to a bed. Leaving an empty wall at the foot of her bed and enough room to just walk. Therefore I couldn't put any piece of furniture. "What to do with this big blank bore" I was thinking as I was staring at the sky high pile of books on the floor. Book shelves of course. So off to Ikea we went and purchased 3 picture ledges at $16.99/ea and used them to hold her books. She loves picking out her bedtime story and looks at her books for a few minutes like she was shopping for a pair of shoes..lol

This now leaves us with empty space above. We didn't want to place another shelf as it would be too difficult for even me to get a book. So instead, we hung wall art. Again, Ikea to the rescue. We purchased 3 frames to match the ledges, at $12.99/ea. I'm quite picky on art therefore I just went on-line and found free printable ones. Yes you read right, FREE! Voila! Her room is now complete :)
(I apologize for grainy pictures. Was taken in bad lighting with an iphone. Terrible blogger I am...tsk tsk)
Ikea ledges here
Ikea frames here
Free printable art here

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