

Lately, talk around fashion town has been 70's, 70's and you guessed it, more 70's. However to be different cause I'm weird cool like that, I decided to dress like I belong in the 90's.
Why, you may ask? Maybe not but I'll tell you anyway. Because I saw the trailer to the Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck film and...WHOA! For those of you who've been living under a boring rock someplace where Jesus left his sandals, Kurt Cobain was the lead singer of the band Nirvana, one of the most influential and important rock bands of the modern era. This film is the first documentary about him that was made with the cooperation of his family. Double WHOA!!
I had the cassette tapes in high school (yes, I'm that old) which I used to listen on my yellow Sony Walkman (don't laugh, you know you had one too!), had/have the t-shirts, read the book, and you bet your ass I'm gonna be watching this flick when it releases in theaters beginning of May.
So my OOTD is an ode to the late great rocker who made "grungewear" so mainstream.

cardigan: c/o Oasap
shirt/dress: c/o Ardene
boots: c/o Palladium

2 Responses to “nirvana”

  1. Super like the long cut of the dress and cardi. I'm anticipating to watch the film as well, now that you mentioned it, heh :)

    Shanaz | Fashionista NOW


Thanks for showing me some love!