
a little braveheart

You know what they say...once you wear plaid, you start dating hipsters with beards, listening to some Starbucks band and chopping wood. No wait, that's not it.
Anyways, it doesn't matter what they say, because I'm wearing plaid and I'm feeling quite at home in it. What else screams "Mel Gibson puts blue paint on his face and yells something inaudible for Scotland"? Wooly knits. Oh yeah, we're going there. So with a nice plaid button down and a knit sweater, was I going to rock a kilt? Unfortunately, I couldn't rock a kilt because I had already put on my underwear this morning, and on Tuesday's I wear my favourite "maybe this used to be a thong but now it looks like floss & mesh" underwear. So I went with my obsession, ripped black denim. Who could say no to that!
I obviously wasn't gonna get away with an almost perfect outfit, so in order to make it extra special & Lena-y, I added some metallic men's tuxedo ballroom shoes from Dancing with the Stars oxfords.
This look is NEATO!

sweater: c/o Oasap
shirt: c/o Ardene
jeans: Topshop
shoes: c/o Mus&Roew

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