
pushing the envelope

I've noticed that I've been incorporating a lot of black and/or white into my outfits lately. Is it because I'm scared to be noticed when wearing color? Am I going through a rut? Have I lost any inspiration that I had festering in me? Or am I just content with being in my comfort zone? Probably a little bit of all of the above.
So, as I thought about it, I realized that we in Montreal will be covered in snow in a mere 12 weeks or so, therefore why not add colors into my outfits now before I really become depressed? A heather beet t-shirt is as bold as I could get.
I will always be a neutral soul.

top: c/o Ardene
pants: Joe Fresh (old) - find similar here
shoes: c/o Ardene (old) - find similar here

3 Responses to “pushing the envelope”

Thanks for showing me some love!