

I've been working on revamping my shop into an actual on-line store rather than a "blog shop". My dream has always been to have my own boutique but ain't nobody got the resources and time for that. So on-line right now is as best it's gonna get.
For the time being, I'm selling my personal used items. Let's call them vintage to be fancy :) Keep in mind that I would never sell damaged or unwearable merchandise therefore you can consider them as practically new.
I'm hoping to eventually expand into new and vintage pieces that I find out on the market but let's see how this goes first.
Every time an item sells, I will update my shop with a new one.
I'm open to any feedback you guys might have.
Enter shop here (link is also at top of my blog) and enjoy!

One Response to “redesigned”

  1. congrats for new start :)


Thanks for showing me some love!