
Amelia's Baptism

Yesterday, we celebrated Amelia's baptism. It was such a beautiful day and she was a great baby!
To all our family, we were deeply honoured that you shared with us in this joyous day. Thank you for
your kindness and all your blessings.
With all our love! Lena, Andrew, Liam, & Amelia

 My brother-in-law Adam, Amelia's Godfather.
 The ever so spiffy, Liam!

 Liam congratulating his little sister by planting a big kiss on her head.

 If anyone living in Montreal needs a cake, cupcakes or cookies for a special occasion or just because you're craving sweets, please e-mail me for the baker's info. She did such a great job on Amelia's baptism cake that I felt bad cutting into it. However once cut, I had 2 pieces :)  Red velvet with vanilla filling and marshmallow fondant. Yummy!
 Liam being Liam!

2 Responses to “Amelia's Baptism”

  1. Well well, isn't Adam fine! :D
    Congrats to your cute girl and you for having such a perfect family. :**


Thanks for showing me some love!