
Liam update

Just thought Liam needed some blog love. I haven't posted about him in a while so just wanted to let you all know that he's doing great. He's growing at the speed of light. Babbles non-stop. Eats and sleeps like a champ (knock on wood). Loves animals, music & dancing, and motorcycles. His current favorite word is "no". Loves playing with other children but for some reason gets completely shy when he's faced with his 2 1/2 year old neighbour Christina. A crush maybe?
He will be 18 months in 2 weeks. Crazy how fast time is passing by isn't it?

t-shirt: Ralph Lauren
bermudas: Old Navy
shoes: Toms

4 Responses to “Liam update”

  1. he is so cute! I'm sending him all my love.

  2. he looks so cute in those tiny toms!

  3. His little Toms are so freaking adorable! What a cutie!




Thanks for showing me some love!