
vroom vroom leather

Sorry for the lack of posts but I have no one to blame but the weather. It feels like October in Montreal. Rain, hail, wind, cold, and believe it or not it actually snowed a little over the weekend. I managed to take some shots on Monday but it was and has been way too unbearable to stay outdoors for a long period of time. So out of curiosity, other than outfit pictures, what topics do you prefer I post about that will keep you intrigued?

pants: Zara (old) - find similar here
blouse: Costa Blanca (old)
shoes: Aldo

I am so in love with leather biker jackets. I find them so versatile being able to wear them with dresses and just with casual sweatpants. Here are a few lovely styles out there.

3. Zara

5 Responses to “vroom vroom leather”

  1. You're wearing the most perfect jacket ever!

  2. posts about your home, pregnancy (BELLY PICS!!!), liam! would love to see what your house looks like! we have similar tastes and i need some ideas

  3. @ Melissa Devine: You do not want to see pics of my home...lol I suck when it comes to home design. My next project is the new baby room and I will post pics of that when it's complete :)

    Lena xoxo

  4. Great photos! So pretty!
    It's warming up here is Western Canada. Still raining its little heart out though!

    Style in the City

  5. Very cute! Love it.

    -Art a la Rue


Thanks for showing me some love!