
ASOS finalist

I received this e-mail today from ASOS Fashion Finder and you can just imagine how ecstatic I was reading it!

Congratulations! Your entry in ASOS Fashion Finder’s ‘Style it with Bloglovin’ competition has been short-listed as a finalist. The 10 finalist’s looks will now go up for a week-long community vote on ASOS Fashion Finder. The look with the highest amount of votes at the end of the week will win a £500 shopping spree and a starring role in an ASOS Fashion Finder editorial feature online. With ASOS shopping vouchers up for grabs for the looks voted 2nd and 3rd.

I need your help. Please please please vote for me here!!!
This is my look. (The beetlejuice jacket believe it or not. Who's laughing now Andrew...lol)
Thanks everyone for your help!!!

3 Responses to “ASOS finalist”

  1. Your look is son nice!
    I love it!
    Following xxxxx

  2. Epic! As a fellow pregnant mumma to be (2nd time round as well) this, I think, is an amazing honour; to feature a pregnant belly amongst all the other youngens! High fives to you lady.


  3. You look amazing!.
    going to vote :)


Thanks for showing me some love!